#TheBertShowOnDemand: Should She Go Out On A Date With Someone Way Older Than Her?

She’s nineteen and just got asked out by a guy considerably older than her! Should she go or not?

Bert Show,

I could use some dating advice and opinions. I wait tables in a restaurant and there’s a group of guys that
have been coming in lately. They just discovered the restaurant, and I guess they like it because they all tend
to come in multiple times a week after work. They’re all very nice. However, one of them seems extra nice
to me. He’s also very attractive.

Some of the other girls I work with have also noticed him. Word always travels fast around the restaurant as soon as he walks in. Well, earlier tonight he asked me out. I said yes and gave him my number. We’re supposed to go out on Saturday night. I honestly never thought he would ask me out, nor did I really ever think it was an option.

I am 19 years old. In conversation, I was able to find out that he is 34. I honestly don’t know how I feel
about dating someone so old. I’m also not entirely sure he knows how young I am. Is 19 and 34 acceptable?
Will it seem weird if I make sure he realizes I’m only 19? Is this a bad idea or do I go?